To give you some perspective, The MAAC, as are all groups / clubs, is considered as a society under the (Malaysian) Societies Act 1966, and would come under the purview of The Registrar of Societies (Malaysia). The Registration of Societies Department is primarily concerned with the registration, control and supervision as well as the maintenance of records pertaining to registered societies and its branches throughout Malaysia so that they do not adversely affect security, peace, public order, good order, welfare or morality in Malaysia.

Under section 2 of the Societies Act 1966, a society is defined as inclusive of any club, company, partnership or association of seven (7) or more persons whatever its nature or object, whether temporary or permanent. EXCLUSIONS are:

  • any company registered under the provisions of any written law;
  • any company or association constituted under any written law;
  • any trade union registered or required to be registered under any written law;
  • any company, association or partnership formed for the sole purpose of carrying on any lawful
  • business that has as its object, the acquisition of gain;
  • any cooperative society registered under any written law;
  • any organisation or association established under any written law relating to the registration of
  • schools, that such organisation or association forms part of the curriculum of a school;
  • any school, management committee of a school, parents’ association or parent-teachers’ association
  • registered or exempted from registration under any law.
