Griffith Global E-Mentoring

Are you an Australian alumnus based in Malaysia, who is looking for a way to give back? If so, you may be interested in becoming an e-mentor! Griffith Global E-Mentoring is a program that matches a current Griffith student with an experienced alumnus for guidance, industry insight and career development. You do not need to be a Griffith University graduate to participate, and the time commitment is two hours per month or less!

We believe that mentoring can be a positive and enriching experience. Specifically, we hope you will:
Refine your coaching and mentoring skills
Develop meaningful connections with students
Learn about the Griffith of today and the next generation
Experience a new connection with Griffith
Expand your professional network

As a Griffith Global E-Mentor you are a guide, friend and resource who shares the wisdom you have accumulated through your education and professional experience to help pave the way for students to succeed at Griffith and beyond.

To learn more about our Program, or to register your interest, please visit.