Opportunity to participate in a research project

Are you currently living in Australia on a Temporary Graduate (485) or Working Holiday (417 or 462) visa? If so, a researcher from the University of Western Sydney would like to interview you for a research project. If you agree to participate, you will be asked to take part in a one hour interview, at a time convenient to you, either in person if you are in Sydney, or on Skype if you are in another state. You will be asked about your expectations, plans and intentions around your time in Australia, your experiences working in Australia, and your social and cultural experiences in Australia. Interviews will be recorded. The information you provide will remain confidential. Participants will receive a $20 Coles or Target gift voucher for their time, but places are limited. If you would like to participate or require further information, please contact Dr Shanthi Robertson, email: s.robertson@uws.edu.au mobile: 0439 638 509

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