Plan Your Career Now – Education Pathway, Career Talk & Australian University Visit
A Saturday morning for many is just a time to sleep in. But for the 80 parents, teachers and students at the recent career talk held at Sunway Monash University, waking up early was going to learn more about what Australia can offer towards a good education and a successful career.
The event kicked off with a welcome speech by Ms Pat PW Yeoh, President of the Malaysian Australian Alumni Council (MAAC), the organiser of the talk. Pat also made emphasis on the importance of understanding the educational programs in Australia before they make any decisions.
This was further enforced by Ms Bernadine Caruana, Counsellor – Education and Science of the Australian High Commission in Malaysia. Bernadine provided more insights of what is on offer in the Australian universities and educational institutes.
Alvin Tay of AUG Student Services was invited to share with the parents and students on how they can look at the criteria required and ways to understand the courses and programs available. AUG Student Services is also an agency that can assist them in their application and selection of universities. For those who are seeking funding assistance, the Vice President (Education & Welfare) of the MAAC, Mina Lim informed the participants that the Malaysia Australia Colombo Plans Commemoration (MACC) Scholarships are available for application.
However, the highlight of the event was meeting Captain Faiz Kamaludin, a Malaysian astronaut who also runs educational and development programs in Malaysia. Captain Faiz specially flew in from Taiwan to share his experiences as an astronaut in the making and the trainings he had gone through. This inspirational sharing did spark a few interest in the area of his expertise. There was also an autograph session with the captain, much to the delight of the students and parents.
Wrapping up the event was a short introduction of the Sunway Monash University campus, our host followed by a tour of the premises led by student ambassadors.
The talk is one of the many events that the MAAC organises to connect Malaysia to Australia in all areas, be it education, trade, social and culture.
If you are interested to know more about the MAAC and our activities, please contact us at and if you would like to view photos of this event, click here.