Swinburne Alumni and Friends Dinner – 7th October 2014
Swinburne University of Technology organized a dinner with the theme of Swinburne Alumni & Friends Dinner on 7th October 2014 at Renaissance Hotel. The event was hosted by Chancellor, Mr. Graham Goldsmith and Vice Chancellor, Professor Linda Kristjanson. Also in attendance were Mr. Andrew Smith, Vice President of Engagement; Ms. Michelle, Director of Advancement, Alumni and Development; Ms. Chanel Hughes, Alumni Manager, and Mr. Edgar Ngiam, President of Swinburne University Alumni Association of Malaysia and alumni of Swinburne University. The MAAC is represented by Mr. Adrian Ong, Vice President of Alumni Relations.
The event was held in conjunction with upcoming graduation for Swinburne University in Sarawak campus and workshop organised in the same week. In her speech, Vice Chancellor, Professor Linda is proud that Swinburne University is top 400 in the world, with position of 377th in the world ranking and top 75 in Physics. One of the main project Swinburne University undertaking is construction of a new design factory for engineers, designers, IT specialists and other related studies, where people are connected in real time with sophisticated and interactive equipment. The students can communicate with engineers, designers and similar specialists from other countries around the world at this special factory. There are also plans to established new Alumni Chapter in China. Professor Linda also revealed that Swinburne University has many interesting plans and activities to be carried out in year 2015. Chancellor, Mr. Graham Goldsmith, who is also an alumnus of Swinburne University relate his experiences while he is a student at the University. He also briefly relates his responsibilities and challenges as Chancellor to move the University ahead. Swinburne University online studies currently has more than 6000 students enrolled. Malaysian Alumni Chapter President, Mr. Edgar Ngiam was given an opportunity to give a short speech where he thanked the University and his Committee for being his pillar of support. Professor Linda presented a token of appreciation to all committee of the Malaysian Alumni Chapter for their service and hard work as ambassador of the University. Lucky Alumnus were treated to special gifts from the University for answering questions posted to them correctly. More of the events pictures can be viewed at : https://www.facebook.com/SwinburneAlumniMalaysia/timeline