UNSW and an unforgettable night with Emily of Emerald Hill

UNSW Alumni Malaysia staged a night’s performance of “Emily of Emerald Hill”, a much- acclaimed show steeped in Peranakan history, on 12 April 2014 at Damansara Perdana Arts Centre (DPAC). This event was solely for the purpose of getting the alumni members together and rekindling ties with the other Australian university alumni. The event was inclusive of light nyonya food, beverages and wines.

It was such an unforgettable night as The MAAC Executive Committee (EXCO) watched Pearlly Chua play Emily. To date, she has performed the role 165 times. DPAC Arts Festival 2014 will present 35 performances throughout the month of April to reach the 200th milestone.

EXCO, their family and friends who bought tickets to support the event had the opportunity to meet with the cast and production team, and many alumni, including Mrs Jane Duke, Australian Deputy High Commissioner, Dato Elaine The the UNSW alumni chapter president from Singapore.